Sunday, April 27, 2008

My topic (#blog 7)

I'm going to write about global warming. Recently, I see that a big ice begins to melt rapidly from National geography magazines. As the magazine mentions, it causes from climate changing.
I want to write why global warming is happening and how it can be affected to environment and our life. I have my own resources here:

This site is about Frequently Asked Questions for global warming. This site provides all information about global warming and it also offers basic knowledge about global warming.
I think this site is good because most of thing in the site are my quetions about global warming.
Thus, I conclude that I can use and I also can provide to information for people who do not have any ideas about global warming.

2. Here is several articles about global warming. This website has many materials about global warming, such as Antarctic ice or climate changing. Moreover, this site has some lists about global warming, so I can check and get various informations about global warming from other sites. This site focuses on ice melting mainly more than the first site.Thus, it can be good examples about global warming in my research papers, so that's why I choose this site.

This site includes how many people care about environment. It especially deals with how experts and politicians have recognization about environment. In my opinion, politicians and scientists are people who should care environment more than citizens because they can carry out a useful policy for environment. Thus, I think that this topic can be used how many people care and what people are doing for protecting environment.


Fidel-T said...

I think your topic is way to broad. you can probably write books about Global Warming. Rather i thing you should focus on something specific. Perhaps study the impact of global warming on a specific community, Or study how certain groups of people contribute to global warming. Try to find an angle that interests you.

Doctor X said...

Yeah, Fidel is right--you need to narrow the topic down to one place or community or type of happening so that it's possible to write in only ten pages